[{ "ObjectID": "district-1", "District": "1", "Title": "IA-01", "Color": "blue", "headings": [{ "col1":"Candidate", "col2":"Total votes", "col3":"Share of vote" }], "rows": [ { "col1":"Clinton (D) 2016", "col2":"176,535", "col3":"45.2%" }, { "col1":"Trump (R) 2016", "col2":"190,410", "col3":"48.7%" }, { "col1":"Finkenauer (D) 2018", "col2":"170,342", "col3":"51.0%" }, { "col1":"Blum (R) 2018", "col2":"153,442", "col3":"45.9%" }, { "col1":"Finkenauer share of Clinton vote: 96.5%", "col2":"", "col3":"" }, { "col1":"Blum share of Trump vote: 80.6%", "col2":"", "col3":"" } ] }, { "ObjectID": "district-2", "District": "2", "Title": "IA-02", "Color": "blue", "headings": [{ "col1":"Candidate", "col2":"Total votes", "col3":"Share of vote" }], "rows": [ { "col1":"Clinton (D) 2016", "col2":"170,796", "col3":"45.0%" }, { "col1":"Trump (R) 2016", "col2":"186,384", "col3":"49.1%" }, { "col1":"Loebsack (D) 2018", "col2":"171,446", "col3":"54.8%" }, { "col1":"Peters (R) 2018", "col2":"133,287", "col3":"42.6%" }, { "col1":"Loebsack share of Clinton vote: 100.4%", "col2":"", "col3":"" }, { "col1":"Peters share of Trump vote: 71.5%", "col2":"", "col3":"" } ] }, { "ObjectID": "district-3", "District": "3", "Title": "IA-03", "Color": "lightblue", "headings": [{ "col1":"Candidate", "col2":"Total votes", "col3":"Share of vote" }], "rows": [ { "col1":"Clinton (D) 2016", "col2":"181,524*", "col3":"45.0%" }, { "col1":"Trump (R) 2016", "col2":"195,740*", "col3":"48.5%" }, { "col1":"Axne (D) 2018", "col2":"175,642", "col3":"49.3%" }, { "col1":"Young (R) 2018", "col2":"167,933", "col3":"47.1%" }, { "col1":"Axne share of Clinton vote: 96.8%*", "col2":"", "col3":"" }, { "col1":"Young share of Trump vote: 85.8%*", "col2":"", "col3":"" } ] }, { "ObjectID": "district-4", "District": "4", "Title": "IA-04", "Color": "red", "headings": [{ "col1":"Candidate", "col2":"Total votes", "col3":"Share of vote" }], "rows": [ { "col1":"Clinton (D) 2016", "col2":"127,401", "col3":"33.5%" }, { "col1":"Trump (R) 2016", "col2":"231,229", "col3":"60.9%" }, { "col1":"Scholten (D) 2018", "col2":"147,246", "col3":"47.0%" }, { "col1":"King (R) 2018", "col2":"157,676", "col3":"50.3%" }, { "col1":"Scholten share of Clinton vote: 115.6%", "col2":"", "col3":"" }, { "col1":"King share of Trump vote: 68.2%", "col2":"", "col3":"" } ] } ]