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Tell Bruce Braley He Got It Right

With the passage of The American Clean Energy and Security Act, The House of Representatives has made a dramatic breakthrough for America's future by choosing to create jobs, move to clean energy, and reduce global warming pollution. This legislation, which was almost unimaginable six months ago, will help set our country in a new direction by shifting to a clean energy economy and reducing the carbon pollution that causes global warming.

For some in Congress, this was a vote which carried serious political risk. Representatives from states with powerful coal interests will face stronger opposition in their reelection bids in 2010, and newly elected Representatives who won by small margins in November will face ammunition from their opponents over this contentious legislation, which passed by a mere seven votes.

Bruce Braley is among those who sacrificed political expediency for the good of the country's economy and the Earth's environmental health by voting YES. Please come to his events in Dubuque, Olewein, Davenport and Waterloo to say thanks, and to show your support for this historic legislation as it moves to the Senate, where it needs to be strengthened, so we can reach the full potential of our clean energy future and avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

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