New Romney ad creates feel-good vibe

Mitt Romney’s second general election television commercial is on the air in Iowa and three other swing states. Its look and feel are similar to the Republican’s first tv ad here since the Iowa caucuses.

The Romney campaign launched “A Better Day” on June 1 in Iowa, Ohio, Virginia, and North Carolina, the same four states where “Day One” started running two weeks earlier. I’m surprised he’s not advertising in Florida yet, but that’s one of the most expensive states for tv ads, so maybe he’s conserving campaign resources.

This commercial features the same male narrator, visual style, and background music as “Day One,” as well as the same flattering photo of Mitt and Ann Romney at the end. Transcript:

Male voice-over: What will be different about a Romney president? [Words on screen: What will be different about a Romney president? Footage of Romney appears on right side of screen]

From Day One, President Romney focuses on the economy and the deficit, unleashes America’s energy resources, and stands up to China on trade. [Lots of quick cuts: Romney shakes hands with people, man cleans restaurant window, men sit at table discussing some project, woman with colleague in office, man welding something, Romney shaking a different man’s hand, construction equipment moves earth, barge approaches city harbor, some shipping crates labeled “Yang Ming” are visible as the voice-over talks about standing up to China.]

President Romney’s leadership puts jobs first. [Footage of Romney walking up to podium, standing in front of cheering crowd, waving campaign signs]

But there’s something more than legislation and new policy. [Romney smiling at campaign event, Romney shaking man’s hand, Romney smiling while sitting next to adorable girl in Santa-type hat]

It’s the feeling we’ll have that our country’s back–back on the right track. [Romney smiles looking upward in an outdoor setting, Romney smiles while sitting people people in a restaurant, Romney walks across a room with a man who smiles and pats him on the shoulder. As the voice-over says, “back on the right track,” the viewer sees a man in a hardhat standing on a roof with a large American flag blowing in the wind.]

That’s what will be different about a Romney presidency. [Romney smiles as he listens to a man talking about something in what looks like a factory.]

Romney’s voice: I’m Mitt Romney, and I approved this message. [black and white photo of Mitt and Ann Romney smiling and holding hands, walking outdoors.]

I don’t know that this commercial tells anyone anything about the Republican nominee, but the upbeat music and footage create a feel-good vibe that can’t hurt. Romney’s competitive with President Barack Obama in Iowa even with mediocre favorability numbers. Marketing that depicts him as friendly, relating comfortably with ordinary people, counters the Obama campaign’s message about Romney as a Swiss bank account holder who’s out of touch with average American workers.

Any comments about the presidential election are welcome in this thread.

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  • They went all out on the music.

    Sounded like the soundtrack to the opening shots of a B-movie.  “Mitt Romney in… Birdemic.”
