Statehouse Gossip

This isn’t quite a “Meet your legislature” quality post, but here’s what I’m hearing about some legislative Republicans:

David Deyoe:  Dumb.

Polly Granzow:  Drunk.

Pat Grassley:  Likes to hit on 17-year-old pages.  Also dumb.

About the Author(s)

Drew Miller

  • Grassley

    Pat Grassley sure seems like a stand up guy — *rolls eyes*.  I wonder if he’s got the same senility disease that his grandfather has, and at what age he plans on being afflicted with it.

    • yeah, well

      Before you were born (unless you were born before 1980), we used to call Iowa Senators Roger Jepsen and Chuck Grassley Tweedle Dumb and Tweedle Dumber. Harkin did us all a favor by taking out Jepsen in 1984 (Jepsen helped by going to a massage parlor and paying with a credit card), but we were never able to dent Grassley’s image that way.

      • Maybe Abramoff and Tyco

        will help where a sex scandal has not in knocking off Grassley.

  • Some of the Initial Posts on this Blog

    were low.  But this is  . . . oh . . . so State 29.

    • Gotta have a bit of snark

      If you know Drew as a person, you’d know this is just the type of guy he is: poking fun and being snarky.  Like he said in the post title, its just gossip.  And at least he isn’t terribly vulgar and bigoted, like State 29.  This is just Drew having fun.
