Who are the teachers supporting?

I got a flier today from the American Federation of Teachers, which has endorsed Hillary Clinton. The mailer cites part of the Des Moines Register’s endorsement of Clinton to make the case that, “Hillary is prepared to bring real change.”

I’ve noticed that all of the candidates have been reaching out to teachers, referencing their education plans in campaign appearances and direct-mail pieces. Bill Richardson has emphasized his “bold” education plan in more than one piece, and he and Joe Biden have both emphasized that they would scrap No Child Left Behind.

Daily Kos user teacherken (teacherken.dailykos.com) has reviewed several of the candidates’ education proposals and has had high praise for both the Edwards and Obama plans.

The teachers I know seem to be all over the map–I don’t see any one candidate dominating this group, which will account for a large number of caucus-goers.

Those of you who are teachers, are married to teachers, or know a lot of teachers, who do you think will win this group?

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  • Russell, are you a teacher?

    If not then what the heck are you doing commenting on this post?

  • I am really a teacher

    I see teacher’s all over the board.  The candidates are pretty similar on education, with the exception of Richardson who has come out strongest against NCLB.  I know a lot of teachers for Edwards, some younger teachers for Obama, some for Richardson (though I think it has to do with immigration and his Hispanic background as much as it does with education), and some for Clinton.
