More Productive ways to fight!

It was recently brought to my attention how important coordinated, unified efforts are to winning in November, Bringing our troops home, and making the world a better place for our children.

My suggestion is to use more productive means that include less bashing of like minded people, more compromise and of course better results.

* Write a letter to the editor- Its free advertising, get your friends to do it too.

* Donate to progressive candidates, groups- Money is always a great idea

*Start your own blog- It takes a bit of time out of your day, but is very positive once it gets started 

* Write your congressman- living in CD-4, I dont know how effective it is , but at least Latham will get another letter of complaint in his inbox.

* Stage a peaceful, non-violent protest in an area of high traffic and direct it DIRECTLY to the source of your angst.

IF ALL ELSE FAILS: And you feel the need to hate on another democratic candidate for whatever reason, bash a working man for something his bosses-bosses-bosses-bosses-bosses-supervisors-commanders-boss did, or just get so upset with the way things are going that you contemplate doing something illegal or imorale out of spite.

Get a hold of the person that is causing you trouble, tell them how you feel and resolve the conflict 🙂


We need results this year, we need productivity, we need every last one of us working together to make America better!


Support McKinley Bailey



About the Author(s)

Bailey Campaigner

  • if you write a letter to the editor

    Keep it very short–under 100 words if possible, and certainly no more than 150 words. Use the word count feature of your word processing program–you’d be surprised how long a seemingly short letter can be.

    If you make it easy for your editor to fit the letter into the space, you are more likely to get published. A punchy letter of 50-60 words is ideal.

    If you want to bring up a lot of issues about your candidate, write two or three or four separate letters to the editor, spaced out every couple of weeks.  
