Anyone going to see Sen. Clinton Saturday?

Is any one going to the events in Des Moines or Cedar Rapids? Any predictions on format, openess? Anyone know what the Des Moines venue (East High School Community Center) can hold?

I think this event will be very interesting/ telling of how the big name candidates start in the state. Senators Obama, Clinton, and Edwards are going to need to do small scale personal events, but is there any way to keep folks from coming in droves to these candidates. The best remedy of course is saturation (visit, rinse, repeat) When I think about it, a year until the caucus doesn’t seem that long with all the work these candidates need to put in the state. Small candidates have some good advantages of meeting with many folks in small groups and can have events that seem less staged and definately more fulfiling. I am excited to see how it all shapes out.

What will win out? “The tortoise or the hare strategy?” Could Vilsack be planning on the latter for a win?

About the Author(s)

Big Lug

  • I'm Not

    I am heading to Phoenix for the weekend, so I miss it.  =(

  • I'll be there

    Hopefully trying to live-blog, but it all depends on the wireless set up at the event.  I know they’re going to have a filing center with internet access, but that’s it.
