Vilsack's Staff

During the early stages of the caucuses we see a lot of names of various “nice catch” staffers, but unless you are even more of an IDP molester than me you probably don’t know what they look like.  So imagine my surprise when Tom Vilsack put his January staff meeting online!  My connection at the hotel here is too slow for me to actually watch it, but I was able to see that Jesse Harris apparently lost his razor.  Let’s see if this sucker works:



I found it on Myspace – it apparently still isn’t on the Vilsack website.  I dig the semi-exclusive content, especially from my top 8 buddy Vilsack.  I also definitely dig giving the staff some face time.  I hope other campaigns follow suit!

UPDATE:  It’s now on his website, too.  I guess there aren’t any perks to being top eightsies.  🙁

About the Author(s)

Drew Miller
