I don’t think it gets any more clearer than this from Iowa’s former Governor Tom Vilsack:
“It’s time for Congress to step up, and cut off funding for the status quo. I think it is time for us to end this war. I think it is very clear from the intelligence reports and from the American public … that this is a civil war and our kids are in the middle of it.
It is time for Congress to step up. They have constitutional and a moral responsibility to cut the funding and say to the President in very clear terms: we are listening to the American people …”
He makes it clear that Congress needs to send a message to President Bush, echoing the thoughts and opinions of the American people, and end this war. And he says it in a persuasive way.
Sen. John Edwards says that silence is betrayal when it comes to Iraq and he is absolutely right. Today he said a non-binding resolution against the President’s plan was essentially worthless. Sens. Chris Dodd and Russ Feingold agreed. I think that judging from Gov. Vilsack’s statements, he is in the same boat.
Kevin Thurman, Vilsack’s Deputy Internet Director for his campaign, posted just a few minutes ago over on Daily Kos highlighting Vilsack’s interview with Norah O’Donnell where he made the comments above. As Kevin wrote:
“We can’t wait for things to happen two years from now when we win in 2008. It’s time to match our values with action. Time to match our hope with vision.”
Some candidates are taking the time to seriously lead on Iraq as an issue in this race. Others are just backpedaling from earlier comments or simply treading water. Vilsack and Edwards have taken strong and clear positions. Dodd could even be categorized in the same boat.
Vilsack also has taken the lead in rejecting the idea of capping the amount of troops in Iraq, simply based on the logic of his position. It clearly doesn’t make sense to support ending the war in Iraq and opposing escalation, while at the same time saying, “Well, if you’re going to keep up the war anyway, you can only X amount of soldiers.” Instead, he’s advocating a position of actually fighting to end the war and bring troops home.
Vilsack’s right, and Democrats should unite behind the same message and in similar form: “It is time for us to end this war!”
FYI on his speech tomorrow
Vilsack will be speaking to the DNC Winter Conference tomorrow morning at about 9:20 AM Central time — the video will be streamed live on C-SPAN as well as here on the DNC site. Make sure to check it out.
chris-woods Fri 2 Feb 6:27 PM
I like what he's saying as presidential candidate
I disagreed with some of this priorities as governor (I’m not a fan of the Values Fund and I thought Vilsack should have gone to the mat with the GOP legislature on a few environmental issues).
However, he is running a good campaign and talking about important issues. I am for Edwards right now, but I would seriously consider Vilsack as a second choice (which is more than I can say for several of the other declared candidates).
desmoinesdem Fri 2 Feb 6:54 PM
Dodd appears impressive
Simply on Iraq alone, Dodd appears as an impressive candidate as he’s breaking with the Democratic position of getting behind the meaningless non-binding resolution. What are your thoughts on Dodd?
chris-woods Fri 2 Feb 6:59 PM
after being precinct captain for Kerry
I swore to God I would never choose a senator from the Northeast in any presidential primary ever again.
I still like Kerry (and actually think he won Ohio and the election), but I haven’t even given Dodd a moment’s thought, because the last thing we need is a long-serving senator from the Northeast.
As far as I know, Dodd is a good senator and I’d like him to stay there and do good work in the majority.
desmoinesdem Fri 2 Feb 7:02 PM
Fair enough
But I do have to point out that he did do a nice job when he was Chair of the DNC. I do think you’re right though when you say he can do a good job in the majority in the Senate, and he’s proving that right now.
chris-woods Fri 2 Feb 7:08 PM
Change in stance
About a year ago I told Vilsack that I wish he would take a tougher stance against the Iraq occupation. He told me then that Democrats have to be very careful how they address this issue or the voters will think they are too weak. Basically, he was saying that he would not condemn the invasion. It was almost verbatim what Evan Bayh said. And that is pretty much what Hillary Clinton has said.
It looks like Vilsack is starting to break from the Democratic Leadership Council, at least on Iraq. Of course, it is easy to talk tough when you are not in the Senate and you do not have to make a vote that will be later tied around your neck.
tom Sat 3 Feb 12:42 PM