Obama Spokesman's Slimey Connections

Jerome Armstrong of MyDD (and the Dean campaign) points out that Robert Gibbs, Obama’s spokesman, worked for a sleazy anti-Dean 527 that refused to reveal it’s funding during the 2004 caucuses.  What an asshole.  This is the same guy who attacked Clinton yesterday for “Lincoln Bedroom” issues, which is a right wing smear if ever I’ve heard one.  I’m with Jerome – if this is the kind of people Obama is going to hire, his politics of hope are really just politics as usual.

About the Author(s)

Simon Stevenson

  • I don't think Obama plans to be slimey

    But I do think that he is cautiously trying to protect his media darling status.

    With this kind of hire, he communicates to insider Washington that he is not planning to run an insurgent campaign. The last thing he wants is for the wurlitzer to be turned on him. (Of course it will be anyway if he is the nominee, but he can cross that bridge when he comes to it.)

    I think all the rhetoric about the different kind of politics, hope, unity etc. is just the message for the masses. He is not really planning to challenge the way things are in Washington.

    But maybe he will prove me wrong by proposing something really radical, like single-payer health care!

  • Yeah, so?

    Politics ain’t beanbag.  They guy is probably an asshole.  But when he works for your team, at least he’s your asshole.  Plus ca change, plu ce la mem chose..

    BTW, I worked for Dean and I’m okay with it.  Well, not okay.  But I understand.
