Vilsack out, Who's Up?

As of 10:30 EST, Vilsack looks to quit the race.

This opens up a lot of possibilitites for people in state, and I wonder who is going to take his spot as the man with the Iowa Connections.

I’ve been getting a lot of email from Obama that makes me think he’s got a lot of former Kerryites on staff, which is either good or bad, depending on how you look at it.

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  • Hey, I was the first to vote!

    I think many of Vilsack’s supporters will go to Hillary. They both are DLCers through and through, and Vilsack is probably looking for a cabinet post with her. I don’t see Vilsack as VP material.

    • I don't get this analysis

      I see this all over the blogosphere–Vilsack will endorse Hillary, his supporters will go to Hillary. I am not buying it. I don’t know who he will endorse, if anyone (remember that Harkin endorsed Dean and that didn’t turn out so well).

      I don’t know a lot of Vilsack supporters, but the few I know are definitely NOT going to Hillary. I think Richardson stands to gain some as the last governor in the race. I think Edwards will gain some as well. Probably Obama will gain some (though not the individuals I am thinking of).

      My sense is that the Vilsack supporters are fairly politically savvy types who understand all of the potential problems with Hillary’s candidacy. They’ve known Vilsack, they like him, they wanted to support him. They didn’t sign on with Vilsack because he ran the DLC–they signed on because of whatever he’s done in Iowa that they liked.

      The Clinton supporters seem to be mainly low-information voters who aren’t thinking through what a drag she would be on the Democratic ticket.

      • Underestimating Clinton

        Clinton has a lot of support from the major power brokers/donors and major constituent groups. She is riding on the loyalty of Bill’s supporters and people who would like to see a woman as president. I think you are underestimating her appeal and potential to win the nomination.

    • and another thing

      I think Vilsack wants a cabinet post, and if he does the smartest thing would be not to endorse anyone.

      Incidentally, he would be a flat-out fantastic cabinet secretary: smart, hard-working, understands policy.
