Remember the Nine Dwarves?

There is nothing more satisfying than looking at the current field of Republican candidates.  Cyclone Conservative has a great list on his blog – my favorite is Millie Howard, whose website is like a bad myspace page and who has apparently been running since 1992.

It’s hard for me to get too worked up about who gets the Democratic nomination, because any one of them is going to win in a landslide.  Jesus, people – the Republican’s best candidate is a cross-dresser and proud adulterer whose (third, if you count the time he married his cousin) wife murders dogs.  This is their best guy!  It’s going to be a fun cycle.

About the Author(s)

Simon Stevenson

  • it's a weak GOP field, that's for sure

    but I don’t think we have it in the bag as long as there is still a chance that Hillary could be our nominee.

    Interestingly, tonight I was talking with a classic Republican in the Des Moines suburbs. I mean, you cannot get more Republican that this guy: former top gun pilot, business owner, evangelical Christian, lives in mcmansion on the far edge of the suburbs. Has never voted for a Democrat, was for Reagan against Ford in 1976.

    He’s for McCain, although he doesn’t agree with McCain on everything, because McCain is a military guy and he trusts him.

    He doesn’t like Giuliani, obviously, and he doesn’t like Romney, for reasons he could not articulate, but he claimed it wasn’t because Romney is a Mormon.

    I asked him about the candidates like Brownback or Huckabee, and he was quite dismissive.

    To my amazement, he said that if the election turned out to be Richardson against Giuliani, he would vote for Richardson. I don’t think he probably would once the hate machine turned on Richardson, but I thought it was amazing that a guy like that was even open to the possibility of voting Democrat against Giuliani.

    All in all, I think it would be very dispiriting to be a true believer conservative Republican now.
