Hillary's Audience Overflows onto Emmetsburg Street

I went to hear Hillary Clinton this morning in Emmetsburg but I couldn't get in the door.  Arriving several minutes before 9:30, we found 100 people on the street and the Pizza Ranch already full to capacity.  The only entertainment for us was the dozen anti-abortion protestors who held large signs of fetuses and their leader who wielded a megaphone from across the street, frequently reminding us “Thou shalt not murder (sic).”

I waited. 

 Soon Hillary's motorcade of eight cars pulled up to a side door and she entered.  An hour later she emerged from the front door to shake quite a few hands of those other hundred people who had also waited the entire time.

 One friend who arrived on time said later that the place was standing room only.  One volunteer driver for the campaign said she thought the Pizza Ranch capacity was 250.  My friend agreed there could have been a couple hundred inside.  She said Hillary spoke but did not take questions.  Another early arrivee told me State Senator Kibbie and Governor Vilsack also spoke. 



Tags: Hillary

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  • didn't take questions?

    That surprises me. Were they running very far behind schedule? I think Iowans expect to be able to ask some questions at these events.

    Sounds like they should be prepared to pipe the sound outside if they get overflow crowds like that.

  • question for you

    I assume you had quite a while to talk with others outside the event. What was your impression of the crowd? Were they mostly supporting Hillary, undecided, or not planning to caucus for her but curious about seeing her in person?

    • My impression

      I know of one Biden supporter who stood outside the whole time carrying a Hillary sign and two Edwards fans who were inside.  The other two in my car were both opposed to Hillary.  One of them came mainly to take pictures.  I didn't interview any strangers.

      The crowd was over 50 years old in general.  Just the type who go to caucuses. 

  • Kibbie for Clinton?

    Is is your impression that Senator Jack kibbie is endorsing Clinton?

    • I don't think so

      Generally legislators who appear at these events are not endorsing the candidates unless they specifically say that they are endorsing. I know that Leonard Boswell appeared with several of the candidates last cycle and did not endorse. I would be fairly surprised if Senator Kibbie is endorsing Clinton.

      • I hope you're right

        I think the Clinton campaign is keying in on state legislaturors, so I was a little worried she got Kibbie, who carries a lot of weight in Palo Alto and surrounding counties, at least with the older crowd (the ones who show up for caucus night).

        In some ways, the Iowa Clinton campaign reminds me of Blouin's governor campaign, and I hope she has a similar result in Iowa. I hope the Vilsacks, legislators, some unions, and party establishment are not enough for her to beat out Obama and Edwards.

        • I noticed that Hillary is doing a fundraiser for Staci Appel

          I got an invitation recently to this event. I'm sure you are right, that the Clinton campaign is trying to get as many of those endorsements as possible. I hope that they don't have Senator Kibbie, but as you say, maybe this wouldn't help Hillary any more than it helped Blouin.

          I've got to believe that the rural and small-town legislators would rather run without Hillary at the top of the ticket. I think she would be a danger to our House majority.

          I RSVP'd no to Staci Appel's Hillary event, but I sent a check, because Appel deserves our support.

          Although part of me is curious, I feel like it is not fully honest to show up at an event featuring Hillary when I am not considering supporting her.

          By the way, which unions do you think are going to support Hillary? It seems to me that in the current field, unions have only two choices: no endorsement, or endorsing Edwards. The Clintonomics agenda is not particularly union-friendly, and corporate lobbyists are huge funders of Hillary's campaign. I know the Clintons are personally close to the national head of AFSCME, but if AFSCME in Iowa endorses her I will be shocked.

          • Candidate events

            I go to as many candidate appearances as I can, including their fundraisers for local candidates, though I am a strong Obama supporter. I think it is good to welcome them all, and frankly, I like them all, Hillary included.

            You mentioned the union I thought would most likely go to Clinton. Leadership often has more influence than the members. Blouin had a lot of support, too, but I did not see where he deserved it. We'll see how it goes.
