Yepsen is sick of women complaining about Hillary

David Yepsen's latest column in the Thursday Des Moines Register contains this passage:


For example, it's amazing to hear women complain about this or that with Clinton. She's too liberal, not liberal enough, should have left Bill or should or shouldn't wear pantsuits. The sniping, snarky comments about her from other women remind me of listening to my daughter and her friends back in middle school say catty things about one another. Don't forget it was a woman reporter for the Washington Post who treated us to a discussion of Clinton's cleavage.

Apparently men are allowed to have unfavorable opinions about candidates, but if women say something critical of Hillary, it's “sniping” and “snarky.”

There's a big difference between women complaining that Hillary is “too liberal” or “not liberal enough” and women talking about her cleavage or pantsuits.

I think Hillary would be a weak general-election candidate and not as good a president as several others in our field might be. I do not believe that she shares my domestic-policy priorities, I think she would be weak on environmental issues, I think she would be too slow to withdraw troops from Iraq, and I think she is too close to the corporate interests that try to frustrate progressive change in a number of areas.

Does that make me “catty” like his daughter in junior high school?

Does Yepsen really think that men don't make “sniping” remarks about candidates they do not support?

Some women on the Register editorial board might want to teach Yepsen the difference between substantive and superficial criticism of Hillary. Because the way his column reads, it sounds like women who don't shut up and get behind Hillary are just immature. 

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  • Yepsen

    Yepsen sounds like a good old fashion sexist pig. 

    • Yup, Oink. Oink.

      Where I live, the rancher men go to the Frosty Freeze every morning for 2 or 3 hours and “shoot the breeze”.  But women gossip.  I don’t think so. 
      Elinor Roosevelt, a woman, once said:
      Great minds talk about ideas.
      Average minds talk about events.
      Small minds talk about other people. 

      Most of the press reminds me of #3, especially Sunday Morning talk shows.
