Four days after voting for trade pact, Hillary wants "time out" from them

I've got to agree with David Sirota here: Hillary Clinton Thinks Iowans Are Stupid.

Four days after voting for a trade agreement with Peru, Hillary tells a United Auto Workers conference that “she'll call a 'time out' on trade agreements if she wins the White House to see if the deals are draining jobs from the U.S.”

She also campaigned today in Waterloo, a city that has lost a lot of good manufacturing jobs.

Will people fall for this? 

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  • ???

    What is she thinking?  I really don’t get her strategy. 

    I am anxiously awaiting the next poll numbers to come out of Iowa.  I wonder if this news combined with her uninspiring speech at the JJ dinner will cause H’s numbers to drop.

    As an Iowan not living in the Midwest anymore I love this time every 4 years when all political eyes are on the heartland.

    • her strategy is simple

      She votes for “free trade,” which has long been a hallmark of the Clintons.

      Then, appearing before members of the UAW, she tries to make it sound like she would not support the kind of trade agreements they despise.

      I guess we will find out on January 3 if this strategy worked for her.

  • In defense of Hillary...again...

    Nobody has dealt with the specifics of the Peru agreement–it’s actually not a bad thing.
    First, any economic benefit we can provide these countries will likely reduce drug trafficking by giving the citizens of those countries viable economic alternatives to growing coca.
    Second, Peru is too far away to become a hub of manufacturing outsourcing like Mexico and has too unskilled of a labor force to become a skilled outsourcing hub like India.
    Third, the amount of trade going on between the U.S. and Peru is minimal.

    From the Washington Post: “Even if Colombia and Ecuador join in, an Andean free-trade agreement would have only a minor impact on the U.S. economy. Exports by U.S. firms to all the Andean nations totaled $8.3 billion in 2004, about 1 percent of overall shipments of U.S. goods abroad.”

    She’s not being deceitful. This doesn’t drain jobs from the U.S., therefore it would pass her “time-out” review.

    • Sure, just like NAFTA reduced

      drug trafficking from Mexico.  Too far away?  Washington Post says? Minor on top of catastrophic.  Only a Hillary supporter would buy this.

  • More double talk

    From a double-talk pro.
