Boswell to Endorse Clinton

UPDATE (11 AM): I got the email to supporters announcing the endorsement about 45 minutes ago.  The full text is below the fold.

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The word on the street is that Hillary Clinton is going to be receiving the endorsement of central Iowa Congressman Leonard Boswell.  He is supposed to be doing it sometime today after Clinton tapes an appearance on IPTV’s Iowa Press.

To me, the endorsement won’t matter much to many Democrats.  While Boswell has done a lot for Iowans in his years representing Iowa, he doesn’t have the kind of youth and leadership potential that folks like Bruce Braley have.  He’s an elderly man, and a very conservative Democrat.  And for those committed caucus-goers, I don’t think this endorsement will change anything or mean that much.

What have you heard?  And do you think the endorsement matters?

Full text of the email sent out:

Dear Christopher,

I am proud to announce my support for Hillary for president.

I’ve served for a decade in Congress, 12 years in the Iowa State Senate, and 20 years in the U.S. Army, including two tours of duty in Vietnam — I love this country. And I’m not happy about what the current president has done to it. Between the war, the economy, and the healthcare and energy crises, he’s left behind quite a mess.

Over the course of my career, I, like many others, have spent time abroad building relationships and risking our lives in defense of freedom. Many of those relationships have been severely damaged by the current administration — allies question our leadership and their trust for us is in question. This must change.

We need a president who’s ready on day one to start cleaning it up. Our next leader must have the vision and the know-how to make our country energy independent, bring healthcare to the uninsured and end the war in Iraq. We need someone with the strength and experience to take on the toughest challenges. We need someone who’s got a lifetime record of getting results.

I know just the person: my friend, Hillary Clinton.

Hillary knows a thing or two about fighting the tough fights — it’s what she’s been doing her whole life. From fighting for abused and neglected kids as a young lawyer, to reforming the schools in Arkansas, to fighting for healthcare as First Lady, she has taken on big challenges and been an agent of change who doesn’t give up. When healthcare didn’t pass back then, she kept right on fighting — and helped get healthcare for six million children. She’s been delivering for us her whole life — and that’s exactly what she’ll do as president.

In the Senate, she’s stood up for veterans, soldiers and workers, first responders, the uninsured, family farmers, and all those who’ve gotten the short end of the stick these past seven years. She never backs down, she never gives up — and she never hesitates to show those special interests who’s boss.

She’s been fighting for change for 35 years. Even when it was hard. Especially when it was hard. And when she says she’s going to do something — she does it.

I can’t think of any presidential candidate in history who has been more tested for the challenges we face. As First Lady and a candidate for office, Hillary Clinton has been a target of Republican attacks for 15 years and their attacks have just made her stronger. She is not a new face, she is a proven champion. For those reasons, my wife, Dody and I and our family are standing up for Hillary this January.

I hope you’ll join us and caucus with me for Hillary. If we stand up for her for one night, she’ll stand up for us every day as president. She’ll make the new beginning this country needs.

Thank you,

Rep. Leonard Boswell

You can watch the video of Rep. Boswell announcing his endorsement here.

About the Author(s)

Chris Woods

  • I haven't heard anything

    I had assumed he wouldn’t endorse, because he didn’t last time. Interesting.

    Boswell underperformed the top of the ticket in 2006. I don’t think a lot of Democrats in Polk County will be swayed by him. Still, it’s clearly welcome news for Hillary.

  • some background info

    Boswell was first elected to Congress in 1996. I wasn’t living in Iowa then, but I’m sure it was a big help to be running for Congress in a year when Bill Clinton carried Iowa.

    In 1994, Boswell ran for lieutenant governor on a ticket with Bonnie Campbell, who is very involved with Hillary’s campaign in Iowa.

  • Braley > Boswell?

    To me, the endorsement won’t matter much to many Democrats.  While Boswell has done a lot for Iowans in his years representing Iowa, he doesn’t have the kind of youth and leadership potential that folks like Bruce Braley have.  He’s an elderly man, and a very conservative Democrat.

    That’s some bad spin there. Braley’s a trial lawyer and a freshman; Boswell’s a Vietnam vet and on the intelligence commitee. To say that Braley carries more weight than Boswell because he’s young and has “leadership potential” is silly. Endorsements only have weight when people respect the judgment of the person endorsing…and I think Boswell has Braley slightly beat in that department.

    In any case, Loebsack is the real prize since he’s near deified in some parts of Iowa City for being the one to slay the Jim Leach dragon.

    • Braley > Loebsack > Boswell

      In my mind, and what I see from Democrats on the ground here, is that Boswell isn’t necessarily respected as the ideal kind of Democrat that Iowa Democrats want.  He definitely deserves respect for his service and commitment to Iowa, but Braley and Loebsack’s progressive credentials as well as their visible leadership in their districts and in Congress makes them more credible endorsements for Iowa Democrats.  Boswell’s endorsement matters in terms of experience and seniority, but to me that’s all it does.

      But, we can always agree to disagree…

    • a lot of progressives are mad at Boswell

      I think he got 6,000 fewer votes than Governor Culver in Polk County in the 2006 election. Many progressives didn’t want to mark their ballots for him.

      I agree with you that Loebsack would be a great get.
