Fearful Democrats

Senate leader Mike Gronstal has demonstrated again that Democrats only stand for one thing–their own re-election.

 Gronstal says he won't bring up the school sales tax equalization bill, which the House passed  already.  He wants more Republicans to vote for it so he can cover his ass.  He says most of the benefits of the bill go to rural districts and the Republicans who hail from  those districts are too dumb to vote for their own interests, so he'll just drop the bill.

 Well, Gronstal didn't put it that way.  He just said the Rs are agin it despite being the main beneficiaries, so he's not doing them no favors.

 He'd rather stiff those of us who live in rural areas and have already elected Democrats to govern us well.  Maybe he'd prefer we elect Republicans,  thus raising the odds that some Rs would vote for the Democratic agenda.  Democrats already have 30 of the 50 Senate seats.  Why let 20 dead-ender Republicans have the whip hand?  If there were only 10 Republicans, would Gronstal still need a few of them to cover his ass?

I was in Des Moines last weekend.  I spent hundreds of dollars on clothes,dishes, books and other items that are not sold in my rural school district.

I enriched the Des Moines schools.  I'm depending on good government to address this inequity.  Can Democrats do it?  Do they stand for anything? 

About the Author(s)


  • I agree with you

    Funding education primarily through property taxes and local-option sales taxes only reinforces inequality.

    I’m sorry to hear that this bill may die in the Senate. Yet another disappointment this session.  
