McCain at the State Fair open thread

Anyone get to the State Fair today to see John McCain on the soapbox?

Dien Judge covered the story for Iowa Independent.

You can watch the video on this page of the Des Moines Register’s website.

The Register’s write-up is here. McCain threw in a dishonest line with a talking point he and other Republicans have been using this week:

He criticized Democratic candidate Barack Obama’s recent comments about the need for Americans to properly inflate their tires to get the best gas mileage.

“I’m all in favor of inflating our tires, don’t get me wrong. But that’s a public service announcement. It’s not an energy policy,” McCain said to a cheering crowd at The Des Moines Register’s soap box.

Earth to McCain and the entire press corps: Obama released a detailed energy plan last year. It’s easy to find at his campaign website. Obama also gave a major speech on energy policy earlier this week.

But never let the truth get in the way of a Republican one-liner.

I’ve been meaning to write a post about the various dishonest television commercials McCain has produced during the past week. It’s hard to keep up with the man’s mendacity.

Over at MyDD, Todd Beeton has a post about McCain’s latest tv ad as well as a story about  a hard-hitting new Obama radio ad regarding McCain’s role in facilitating the merger of DHL and UPS. If that merger goes through, some 8,000 jobs in Ohio (a state McCain desperately needs) could be lost.

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