McCain tries to stoke resentment among Clinton supporters

Holy cow, is this ad cynical:

I can’t see John McCain gaining a lot of traction with this approach. Joe Biden is not an in-your-face pick for Clinton supporters. Hillary herself said she would consider Biden for any position. This ad is called “Passed Over,” but it’s not as if Obama passed Hillary over for a running mate who was less qualified than she is.

Competitors criticize each other in primaries–big deal. This is nothing worse than what Mitt Romney said about McCain during the Republican competition. This Tuesday night, Hillary Clinton will strongly endorse Barack Obama in front of a packed house in Denver.

What is McCain offering women on any of the issues Hillary championed during the primaries? Zero. And when he picks a down-the-line conservative as his running mate, that will become even more clear.


Clinton’s team immediately dubbed the ad misleading. “Hillary Clinton’s support of Barack Obama is pretty clear,” said Clinton spokeswoman Kathleen Strand. “She has said repeatedly that Barack Obama and she share a commitment to changing the direction of the country, getting us out of Iraq, and expanding access to health care. John McCain doesn’t. It’s interesting how those remarks didn’t make it into his ad.”

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  • As a political move...

    …I suppose this ad is savvy.  As one of the 18 million who supported Clinton, I’m bitterly disappointed that 18 million votes and a hell of a lot of effort seemingly goes for nothing.  The Republican machine seeks to rub salt in this fresh wound and lure Clinton supports to vote for him.  

    But that’s not the point, is it.  Recognition does not matter; fair does not matter; “Hope” (at least the wishy/washy do-nothing kind) does not matter.

    The Work matters.  

    I am damn well not going to fall for it.  Senator Biden is an excellent second-choice.  I’ll be canvassing for Senator Obama again right after I spell-check this response.
