Iowa's "Green" Mayor throws sustainable, off-grid livers out in the cold

Have people been following the fiasco with the city of DM and their
war on Hope builders and the “hooch” dwellers?

A church activist helped a bunch of homeless guys build some nice
little shacks from recycled materials to keep them from living in
boxes under a bridge. They pulled together and built a tight little
camp. Of course, there was a fire, and that was all the excuse the
city needed to doze the whole place.

I understand that it was on city land, safety and liability issues, etc, but what
a shame to let the jack-boot of bureaucracy stomp on imagination and
personal initiative.

I'm afraid this is not the last shanty-town that we will be seeing
before the economy recovers- I'm disappointed that Mayor Cownie didn't
look for a better solution.

Watch the video – breaks your heart.

About the Author(s)

Renewable Rich

  • I've been thinking about this story a lot

    I feel bad for those people and can’t imagine what they are doing in this cold weather.

    I definitely think it was wrong to destroy those homes without giving people a chance to find other housing.

    On the other hand, there’s no question the liability issues were significant for the city. I don’t know what the best solution would have been.

  • What a crock

    We’re about to loose two million jobs in Detroit and there are going to be plenty of folks living in shruburbs before too long. I agree there is a safety issue with indoor combustion but there are going to be a lot of shanty towns before too long …
