"Look, she's a REGISTERED Democrat!!!"

Well, I went and voted today.  It felt good to vote.  While standing in line to sign in and get my ballot,  the people ahead of me were saying, “Republican.”  “Republican”, “Republican”, “Republican……”  And when I signed in, the woman started to ask me “Republican or Democrat”??  When the woman sitting beside her said, “Look,  she's a REGISTERED Democrat.”  Without saying any more,  she handed me a Democratic Primary ballot.  I clearly stood out among the people waiting to vote.  Anyway, I just smiled while I waited to vote.  It sure was a weird feeling.  That's why Steve King traditionally takes O'brien and Sioux County. 

About the Author(s)


  • I love it!

    Help spread the word: there are Democrats even in O’Brien County.

  • Way to go wahela!!!

    Isn’t it great to be different than all the followers.  I was one of only 228 democratic voters in Clay County for the primary.  

    We may be out numbered, but we are not silent.

    As you probably know by now Mike Denklau did not win the primary for the 5th District.  I talked to him tonight and he has some options open to him and he will be making a decision in the next little while, I think he is going to stay in politics if possible and in Iowa.  I hope so, as I think he has great potential.
