Second Culver-Branstad debate discussion thread

Governor Chet Culver and Republican Terry Branstad face off in a few minutes at Cedar Rapids’ Coe College. KCRG and the Cedar Rapids Gazette are live-streaming the debate. From 8 to 9 pm people anywhere in Iowa can watch the debate on Iowa Public Television.

Unlike last time around, I won’t shirk my blogger duties. Live-blogging commences after the jump.

UPDATE: For the most part I agree with Todd Dorman; no surprises in the debate. I think whoever prepped Branstad for the debate was wise to have him waive rebuttals when the question didn’t play to a good issue for him.

In reference to the debate sparring over property taxes (see below) Culver’s campaign sent out a list of bills Branstad signed that authorized new or expanded property taxes.

I like how they didn’t bother with candidates’ opening statements, went straight to questions.

First question to Branstad on projected budget shortfall for FY 2012. Wants to sell state vehicle fleet, combine state e-mail systems, eliminate unfilled positions, do “careful review” of all government functions to get the “waste” out and eliminate structural deficit.

Culver: bottom line is we will balance budget. Just finished year with $750 million surplus. TB, on other hand, according to state auditor Dick Johnson, cooked the books for 10 years, kept two sets of books.

Branstad rebuttal: Culver’s budgeting will give you whiplash. Passed biggest budget in history [not true], then had to make 10 percent across-the-board cut (in Oct 2009).

Culver rebuttal: TB broken promises again and again by not telling truth and not balancing budget. He failed.

2nd question on immigration. Culver says fed govt has primary responsibility to make sure ppl aren’t entering state illegally. We’ve moved forward to require contractors to make sure they’re hiring legal people. But key is federal reform. We desperately need federal govt to step up to the plate. TB on the other hand believes in going beyond what they’ve done in Arizona, and that would only fill up our jails, I’ve talked to sheriffs across the state, it costs $100 a night to keep someone in jail, budgets are tight at local level. We will do all we can at state level.

TB: I’ve said on immigration that local law enforcement should enforce laws. If someone violates our laws, they should have to produce ID just like citizens. I’ve also said fed govt responsibility to handle deportation of those who’ve committed crimes. What I’ve recommended is what most Iowans believe. We should welcome legal immigrations but hold those who break laws accountable. Fed govt hasn’t done its job, that’s why Arizona has a problem, just trying to protect their citizens. I’ve talked with sheriffs and chiefs of police all across Iowa, willing to work to protect citizens.

CC declines rebuttal: We both agree that it’s a federal responsibility.

Next question to TB: Does he support CRapids Mayor Ron Corbett’s ideas on allocating sales tax money for six years for flood mitigation. TB: Great mayor, he was best speaker of the [Iowa] House when I was governor. Wants to review idea, but willing to work with Corbett and community. We’ve seen things improve since Corbett became mayor. Only 34% of money allocated at fed and st levels has gotten to businesses in Linn Co. Mayor’s idea merits being looked at.

CC: It’s interesting, in about 72 hours, TB has changed his position once again. He was just here for Rotary on Monday and said he didn’t supp Mayor Corbett’s proposal. I have been solidly supporting Mayor Corbett and his ideas. I-JOBS 63 projects in Linn Co alone. Talks about how much in state and fed funds he has secured–without I-JOBS they would not have been able to move so efficiently. Branstad not truthful about how slow money has been moving out the door. Culver says took 12 years to close books on 1993 floods.

TB: What I told Rotary and Gazette on Monday is same thing I said tonight. I’m opposed to raising taxes but I support using growth in sales tax as Mayor Corbett has suggested. We closed books on 1993 flood in 1994 and distributed money.

UPDATE: Todd Dorman says Culver got confused about which Corbett plan Terry Branstad opposes.

CC: TB raised taxes on hard-working Iowans 60 different times. Promised not to raise taxes at 1982 GOP convention, but first bill he signed in 1983 was sales tax increase.

Next question, by video: What will you to do retain jobs in Iowa, stop jobs from leaving US?

CC: We’ve worked tirelessly to bring jobs to Iowa. In last 36 mos we’ve worked w/267 companies, including Google and Microsoft. 21,000 new jobs. We’ve brought renewable energy companies to Iowa, creating green-collar jobs. TB encouraged some manufacturers to move facilities to Mexico. We were recognized this week as third best-run state in America. We have overcome challenges of this world-wide recession. I will fight with every fiber to help those who have been displaced.

TB: 114,000 ppl out of work in this state today, 50,000 more than when Culver took office. His policies have been failure. Lists companies he helped bring to CRapids when he was governor. Culver’s plan has been big debt plan, with interest will cost us $55mil a year for 23 years [again, using false, inflated figure for I-JOBS payback] I know how to make Iowa more attractive for entrepreneurs. Will work with local officials. Ambitious goal: 200K jobs in 5 years.

CC: TB has been a serial promise-maker and habitual promise breaker when it comes to jobs.

TB: My record speaks for itself, took state from 8 1/2 unemployment to 2 1/2 percent unemployment, worked hard at it. I’m focused on future of Iowa and how to create jobs we need.

Next question to Branstad, about high property taxes. TB says Culver promised to reform system, didn’t do it. TB did away with property tax on machinery and equipment, wants to do more. Wants to tax commercial property at no more than 60 percent of value. Local govs need to use less tax abatement and tax-increment financing. [Finally, something Branstad and I agree on!]

CC: Goes back to unemployment question. We have 8th lowest unemployment rate in America. Repeats point about Branstad tax hikes. Those included 15 bills that resulted in property tax increases.

TB: Don’t need a rebuttal on that. We’re cutting taxes, not increasing.

Next question to Culver: many kindergartners not proficient in needed skills. Given current state of budget, how do you propose helping kids get ready for kindergarten without hurting higher ed, because preschool is expensive.

CC: TB didn’t want to answer why he’s proposing $2bil in new spending. We want to provide preschool to every 4-year-old in iowa. Expanded to 21,000 4-year-olds, cost at $90 million. Branstad wants to take that $90mil away, give it to out of state corporations. That’s huge difference in race–putting corporations before children. We can do both; K-12 budget larger this year than when I started as governor. I believe strongly in expanding preschool to all districts.

TB: I support preschool opportunities for all students. Many can pay for it. We can’t afford new entitlement for everybody. He did that last year and tomorrow’s the anniversary of his across the board budget cut, students here saw cuts, K-12 ed saw cut, had to use cash reserves. My proposal is preschool on needs basis, better way to do it, that’s how I want to restructure to provide preschool while meeting needs of higher ed. Again mentions across the board budget cut.

CC: TB not being honest about how he wants to take $90 mil to allow 21,000 children to go to preschool today. Fact is hard-working Iowans can’t afford to send kids to preschool. TB doesn’t understand how important that is.

TB: I understand some can’t afford it, but others can. Culver makes it free, and we can’t afford that. I want to make thoughtful decisions on budget, limited resources. [I’m glad he has backpedaled on earlier plans to axe preschool program]

Next question: state funding for Regents universities has been falling, tuition rising as percentage of universities budget. What should be done?

TB: We are fortunate to have wonderful st universities, private colleges, community colleges. We need to provide funding for all higher education. We need to be prudent and thoughtful in how we allocate resources. I went to college w/help of student loans, didn’t get last student loan paid off until I was governor. We need to keep it affordable for in-state students. At DM Univ I spent a lot of time raising money for student scholarships. You can’t promise everything to everybody.

CC: I agree that we have fantastic Regents institutions w/outstanding presidents, commends their leadership during difficult times. I believe strongly in bringing back U of Iowa’s campus after 2008 floods. Recent study shows U of I has huge impact on state economy, is 3rd largest employer. That’s why I provided $100mil in I-JOBS funds that helped them leverage hundreds of millions of federal funds. We are going to rebuild campus. I feel good about what we’ve done, TB is opposed to I-JOBS which means our 3rd largest employer would have had a difficult time.

TB: Now we know what I-JOBS is, it’s Illinois jobs. An Illinois contractor got the contract [refers to prison project in SE Iowa]. He’ll correct project-labor agreements so that doesn’t happen again.

CC: I’m proud of support across the board. Tb not telling truth about prison project, and I’m glad people rebuilding that prison are getting a prevailing wage. Moderator has to tell audience to hold applause.

Next question: TB wants to eliminate IDED, replace w/public-private partnership. What’s wrong w/that idea?

CC: We have professionals now getting the job done. Private sector members already on IDED’s econ development board. Partnership is working, that’s why we’ve brought 21K jobs to Iowa from 267 companies. We were cited as 3rd best-managed state. Chamber of Comm says Iowa has 8th fastest-growing economy in America. TB wants to go to the Indiana model. Indiana’s unem rate 50% above national average, 8th highest unem rate in Iowa. Their econ devel initiative has been failure.

TB: Unfortunately, IDED has been discredited b/c of mismanagement of film office, you don’t have professional developers running it, they don’t have the resources to do marketing. I worked with effective professional developers. We eliminated prop tax on machinery and equipment, brought companies to Iowa. I want to do that again. I want to have a pub-private partnership, actively and aggressively market. I want to put right to work law back on our marketing materials, not pass job-killing bills. I know I can do it, I did it before. When I left office, we were down to 2.5 percent unemployment.

CC rebuttal: We’ve marketed Iowa every day, that’s why IBM, Microsoft, etc have decided to come here. I’ve gone across nation and around world to bring companies to this state. TB also brought IBP and DeCoster to Iowa when he was governor.

TB rebuttal: This is pretty interesting. Gov Culver has been beneficiary of over $2 mil from Dem Governors’ Association, one of their biggest donors is Jack DeCoster. When I was gov we were in process of putting DeCoster out of business, but attorney general didn’t follow through.

CC wants another rebuttal, TB says we already had one.

Next question to Branstad: What are plans to help state become greener, more sustainable, more renewable energy, what bold steps can we take?

TB: When I was governor we passed first renewable energy standard in nation, copied by 28 states. We lead nation in biofuels, renewable energy. When I was governor we turned around the fact that we were losing trees. I encouraged more green space and planting of trees. We started putting in more filter strips, encourage farmers to do practices that reduce erosion. I’ve helped state fair foundation and others to start Iowa State Park foundation. I believe that we have wonderful places in Iowa that need to be protected. Need private and public support for natural areas.

CC: We’ve worked hard to make Iowa greenest state in America. Moved from 5% renewable energy to 20% renewable energy in 4 years, built 40 wind farms. I always had dream of making Iowa the renew energy capital of US, silicon prairie of US, we make turbines and blades, we started Iowa Power Fund, $100mil investment in Iowa’s future. No state is better positioned in green energy than Iowa. In 2nd term we want to double green collar jobs and expand grid to export our power.

TB declines rebuttal.

Next question to Culver on casinos and whether we need more. [Dumb question: he’s on record wanting more casinos!]

CC: Corrects record on I-JOBS repayment–we are using gaming revenues from our 17 casinos to repay those bonds. Critically important for future, and we have a sustainable funding stream for those projects. Gaming revenue allowed us to move forward on meeting infrastructure needs. 50% of gaming revenues come from out of state. As to future of gaming, we need to be fair, have process in place to allow local communities to have same rights as other communities when they got their casino license. That’s why I supported people of Ottumwa and Fort Dodge.

TB: I’m going to answer question, which was about gaming. We’ve got enough casinos, and racing and gaming commission was wise to reject Culver’s letter wanting them to approve four new casinos. We need to protect integrity of state and recognize that this money was supposed to go for Rebuild Iowa infrastructure fund, now will be dedicated to paying back bonds, $55mil a year [again, that figure is wrong]. Mentions corruption and DCI investigation into Ft Dodge backers who wanted casino and gave money to Culver’s campaign. Governor shouldn’t try to influence racing and gaming commission.

CC rebuttal: You don’t practice what you preach. You came to CRapids and promised people a dog track, then went back to Des Moines and urged commission to approve track for them. Your largest donor owns 2 casinos in Iowa, has given you more than $100,000. You broke promise to Iowans, said you were against gambling, then signed law to allow gambling in Iowa.

TB rebuttal: I signed law because majority of Iowans wanted this, but we needed to build in integrity with racing and gaming commission.

Next question, about future of Vision Iowa fund, can we afford it.

TB: There are a lot of econ devel programs, I want to do assessment to see what’s most effective. We have limited resources and need cost-benefit analysis. Wants more info online

CC: We will continue doing what we’ve done to be recognized as one of the best places in America for business. Forbes mag recognized Des Moines as best place for jobs and careers. Dubuque number one small city in America. Cedar Rapids number one for potential job growth. We are moving forward in econ devel, we are outpacing most of country in recovery, 11 mos in a row of growth, we have 8th lowest unem rate, leading America in green-collar jobs. We have other important programs in IDED, Main Street Iowa program, working extremely well. TB would dismantle IDED.

TB declines rebuttal.

One last question: Iowa Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage. [Why ask question? We know where candidate

CC: Ruling hasn’t had effect on state of Iowa other than allowing people to make own decisions. I respect an independent judiciary, we need third branch of govt to have that independence. TB wants to let people vote. Shd we vote on every decision Supreme Court make? We need to move on, don’t need to add discrimination to constitution,

Tb: People have a right to vote on a decision of this magnitude. I signed DOMA, Supreme Court was wrong to strike it down, people of Iowa have right to vote on it. Dem-controlled legislature has not allowed this to come to vote. Culver has changed his position on one-man, one-woman marriage. In 31 states where it’s been on the ballot, people have voted for it.

CC rebuttal: I respect independence of judicial branch in this state, I support and believe in our judicial selection process. Merit-based system is one of best in America. TB trying to have it both ways–he appointed judge who wrote the decision. You can’t limit public vote just to decisions you disagree with.

TB rebuttal: Judicial nomination process has become partisan. It was supposed to be non-partisan, but 12 Ds and only 2 Rs on nominating commission. Need partisan balance on commission. We have state senator whose husband is on Supreme Court.

One more question: what’s greatest accomplishment in 30 seconds or less?

TB: Leading Iowa from farm crisis in 1980s to prosperity, balanced budget, leaving state with surplus

CC: Proud of fact that Iowa is leading America out of this recession, creating more green-collar jobs, leading renewable energy, wonderful opportunities for young people. Managed state during tough times, we’re at best when up against the wall, we’re coming out of this.

CC closing statement: Thanks for hosting debate. We’ve been through a lot together, but condition of state is strong, we are leading America out of econ recession, creating jobs of future in this state, bringing Google, IBM, Microsoft, wind energy companies, I’ve delivered on promises. I promised to raise minimum wage, expand health care to children, expand preschool, 22,000 kids going to preschool. We’ve kept promises. TB has broken promises on raising taxes and on submitting balance budget. He cooked books and didn’t have balanced budget for a decade. Broke promises on job creation. I want to keep moving Iowa forward. I want to fight for veterans, seniors, civil rights, we don’t want to go back to Terry Branstad and failed policies of 1920s [oops!] I respectfully ask for your vote on November 2.

TB closing statement: Thanks hosts of debate. I love this state, I’m lifelong Iowans except for 2 years in service, I had a great job at DM University, but a lot of people told me we need your leadership to put Iowa on the right track. Humbled and honored to go before people of Iowa, I know we can do better than what’s happened under Governor Culver. I have set ambitious goals and I have achieved ambitious goals in past. I have set goal of 200K new jobs, raising family incomes by 25%, reducing size of government, eliminating structural deficit, restoring our position in education–high standards, uniform assessments. I love this state and would sincerely appreciate having your vote on November 2.

I would have to call that debate a draw. The questions were not very original, so we didn’t hear much new from either candidate.

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  • I'm just hoping that if Terry wins...

    I get the fucking farm back. It’s all I want.  Really.  Give me the fucking farm back, oh, and the money I put into the Bloomfield Savings and Loan that closed before I could write all the checks to pay the property taxes and bills? Give me that and I will pack up, go home, quit protesting, and never say another word.  Truly. Oh, and I want my neighbor back too.  You know, the one who stuck a fucking shotgun in his mouth and blew the back of his head off when the Bloomfield Savings and Loan closed?  Back in the good old days when you were Governor?

    Don’t worry, DmD, I will vote this time around.
