Government Getting Close to Arresting YOU for Streaming Ten YouTube Videos

The 10 Strikes legislation passed out of the Senate Judiciary committee last Thursday, and is now advancing quietly through the Senate. More than 30,000 Demand Progress members have emailed their lawmakers to urge them to oppose the bill.
<div>Sen. Amy Klobuchar's "10 Strikes" legislation would make streaming of unlicensed copyrighted content a felony punishable by up to five years in prison. As written, the bill would subject internet users who stream content 10 times or more to criminal charges. Potential uses that would be criminalized under Klobuchar's bill are:
– Youtube Karaoke
– Homemade web videos with music
– Videos of public performances
– Videos of parties that include background music
David Segal, Demand Progress Campaign Director stated, "Senator Klobuchar's 10 strikes bill has the potential for innumerable unintended consequences that would stifle innovation and personal expression on the internet. The special interests pushing this legislation seem to have little understanding of or concern for how many ordinary Americans use — and should be free to use — the Internet"

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