The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee announced this morning the first wave of “Red to Blue” candidates running in U.S. House districts. Former State Senator Staci Appel, who is running for Iowa’s open third Congressional district, is one of the sixteen candidates (including ten women) at the highest “Red to Blue” level. After the jump I’ve enclosed a press release from Appel’s campaign.
Even before anyone suspected Representative Tom Latham would retire this year, the DCCC had promised Appel “early financial communications, operational and strategic support.” Her strong fundraising and endorsements from many labor unions and progressive organizations make Appel the heavy favorite in the Democratic primary. Gabriel De La Cerda is the other declared candidate in IA-03.
Appel is likely to face one of the following six declared GOP candidates in IA-03: State Senator Brad Zaun, Iowa Secretary of State Matt Schultz, construction company leader Robert Cramer, former U.S. Senate staffer David Young, Iowa Renewable Fuels Association Executive Director Monte Shaw, and Des Moines-based teacher Joe Grandanette.
The latest official numbers from the Iowa Secretary of State’s office indicate that sixteen counties in IA-03 contain 154,061 registered Democrats, 160,782 Republicans, and 157,001 no-party voters.
Appel for Iowa press release, March 3:
Appel Earns Spot in DCCC Red to Blue Program
Competitive program highlights top Democratic campaigns from across the country
DES MOINES – 3rd Congressional district candidate Staci Appel (D-Ackworth) announced today that she has earned a spot in the first round of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s (DCCC) highly competitive Red to Blue program. Appel has surpassed demanding fundraising, organization and infrastructure goals, and skillfully demonstrated to voters that she is a problem-solver who will strengthen the middle class.
“It has been exciting to have supporters from across the 3rd Congressional District, and across Iowa, stand with us and join our grassroots campaign to work for middle class families and build an economy that works for everyone,” said Appel. “And their efforts are one of the reasons our campaign has demonstrated enough support to earn a spot in the Red to Blue program, and it means we have the strength, confidence, and momentum it will take to win in November, and bring commonsense solutions to Washington.”
“Staci Appel was a leader in helping to raise the minimum wage in the Iowa State Senate, so it’s no surprise that working together to create good jobs and grow the economy for everyone are central issues of her campaign. Staci Appel is a proven fighter for Iowa’s middle class families and will not only protect the middle class, but protect the ability of women to remain in control of their own health care decisions – and she will be a welcome change in Washington,” said DCCC Chairman Steve Israel.
The DCCC’s Red to Blue program highlights top Democratic campaigns across the country, and offers them financial, communications, grassroots, and strategic support. The program will introduce Democratic supporters to new, competitive candidates in order to help expand the fundraising base for these campaigns.
###BACKGROUND: Appel for Iowa has been endorsed by Teamsters Local 90, Teamsters Local 120, Mailhandlers Local 333, AFSCME Iowa Council 61, Communications Workers of America Iowa State Council, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, Women’s Campaign Fund, EMILY’s List, UFCW, IBEW Iowa State Conference, Laborers Great Plains District Council, Central Iowa Building and Construction Trades, Tri-State Max Out Women and the Human Rights Campaign.
About Staci: Born and raised in Iowa, married for 17 years, mother to six kids and a former financial consultant, Staci Appel calls rural Ackworth, Iowa home. Staci took her deep Iowa roots, and her equally deep commitment to Iowa families to the State Senate in 2006 where she fought for Iowa’s backbone – middle-class families, farmers and small-business owners. During Staci’s time in the Iowa Senate, legislators took notice of her steadfast commitment to the people she served. Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal said, “I have never seen a freshman legislator come down to the capital and work as hard as Staci Appel.” That work included leadership on legislation like Iowa’s statewide smoking ban, pre-school for every 4 year old and championing the bill making Iowa the first state in the nation to require equal pay for equal work.
1 Comment
This is great news!
I’m so glad to see that Mrs. Appel is a front-runner in the Democratic Party.
We’ve really got a shot at making this seat a progressive one instead of a regressive one, and sending Iowa’s first woman to Congress.
thehawkeyestate Mon 3 Mar 11:31 PM