Joe Trippi joins the Edwards campaign

Here’s a link to Trippi’s blog post announcing the move.

And here’s a link to a Daily Kos diary with more background and discussion of this hire.

The former Deaniacs I know in Iowa are largely undecided, with some leaning toward Edwards and others leaning toward Obama. I don’t think anyone will make up his or her mind solely based on what Trippi does, but I think the move sends a positive signal about the change Edwards wants to bring to America.

What are your thoughts, and what have you been hearing from the people you know who caucused for Dean in 2004?

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  • A plus for Edwards

    I like Edwards and Obama and have been going back and forth.  This is a positive for Edwards.  I think he had the best internet campaign so far and Trippi will only help in that area. 

    • I know a lot of people right there with you

      The people I know who are undecided between Edwards and Obama are waiting for the debates to see 1) who comes across as the strongest candidate, and 2) what policy specifics Obama will come up with.
