Post your campaign trail reports here

Barack Obama spoke in Iowa City today before a crowd of several thousand. John Deeth liveblogged the event, and you can read all about it here.

If you’ve got a report about this event, or some other campaign appearance by any of the presidential candidates, please consider putting up a diary. Even if you’re not liveblogging or vlogging, it’s still interesting to hear about the stump speeches, the Q and A, and the reactions of the crowd.

I went down to Valley Junction in West Des Moines today, but their Earth Day event was rained out. I did notice that the Edwards supporters were out there talking with lots of people before everyone packed up their tables and tents, though.

About the Author(s)


  • Tancredo and Hillary reports are posted at Common Iowan

    I just posted my report from a Tancredo event that happened last Sunday.  I will have my report from Hillary’s stop on Saturday posted sometime tomorrow.


    • interesting write-up on Tancredo--thanks

      I’ve been waiting for some Republican to try to break out of the pack by criticizing Bush. It will be interesting to see if this has any effect.

      I agree with your assessment of Tancredo’s remarks on immigration, but I think that when you say he would come off “better” if he didn’t sound like he was attacking the immigrants and diversity so much, you are thinking too much like a reasonable progressive and not enough like a Republican primary voter. I think many of those people really want to hear the immigrant-bashing and the regretful comments about how bad multiculturalism is for our country.
