
I am always looking for liberal websites to read.  My favorite ones are Bartcop, Buzzflash, and Iowa True Blue.  I am just curious what are some other websites that the rest of you read?

About the Author(s)

keith nichols

  • I have a personal "blogroll"

    at Daily Kos that links to many of my favorites (on the right-hand side of this page):

    Links include:


    Talking Points Memo

    Open Left

    EENR progressive blog

    Political Animal (Kevin Drum’s blog at the Washington Monthly)

    Iowa Independent

    Century of the Common Iowan

    La Vida Locavore

    There are many other good blogs I don’t read as often as I should, including:



    Group News Blog


    Daily Kos is too huge to read everyone, but you can subscribe to your favorite diarists so that everything they write shows up in your “hotlist.” There are a lot of great diarists and diary series there.

  • The Atlantic

    I read a lot of the blogs on the Atlantic such as Marc Ambinder, Andrew Sullivan, and Matthew Yglesias (who is moving to a new site at the end of the month.).  

    Daily Kos, Open Left, and MyDD keep me up to date on the news.

    I also visit Democratic Underground, which is a message board.  There is a great Iowa forum and a lot of news stories and videos are linked to there.

    • Yglesias is moving again?

      How many blogs has that guy had? He’s only in his mid-20s.

      I have never been able to get used to the forum format at Democratic Underground or elsewhere. I don’t know why, but I haven’t ever been active there.
