Clean Air Act Threatened

(Unfortunately, several Senate Democrats are supporting this resolution. Let's urge Harkin not to join them. - promoted by desmoinesdem)

Congress has to make a clear choice now that Sen. Lisa Murkowski's resolution to gut the Clean Air Act will come up for a vote this week. (See to learn more.)  Please take the time to let senators Harkin and Grassley know that you want them to vote 'no' on this measure.  Go to for a sample email you can send.

The Clean Air Act is one of the most successful, cost-effective, and popular pieces of environmental legislation ever passed by the United States Congress. Since it was signed into law 40 years ago, it has protected us from numerous airborne pollutants found to threaten public health and welfare. Right now, big, dirty polluters are working to re-write the Clean Air Act to protect their record profits and block action on climate change.

Why the Clean Air Act is important

* The Clean Air Act is the best tool we have for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and fighting climate change at the national level.
* The Clean Air Act requires regulation of all airborne pollutants found to threaten public health based on the latest scientific research. Rolling back any Clean Air Act requirements is equivalent to rejecting the latest science.
* The Clean Air Act drives technological innovation by requiring the oldest, dirtiest industries to reduce their pollution, giving them a powerful reason to update and keep up with new, cleaner technologies.

If there was ever a time to contact Congress, today is the day. Go to the Iowa Environmental Council Action Alert Center to send a message to senators Grassley and Harkin. Go to

About the Author(s)


  • scary

    I will promote this diary tomorrow so that it hits the front page when the Washington offices are open.

    It’s really sad to see Republicans working to gut the Clean Air Act, which was first signed by a Republican president and reauthorized by another Republican president. But it’s even sadder to know that many Senate Democrats will probably go along with Murkowski in the misguided idea that they are helping large corporations in their states.
